Black Sky

Step 1 – Identify Objectives
Your exercise objectives influence how you design the exercise, allowing you to focus the discussions around your desired outcomes. Ask yourself the following questions to help develop your objectives:
1. What do I want to accomplish by the end of the exercise?
2. How do I want to use the outcomes from the exercise?
3. What is driving me to conduct this exercise? Statutory requirements, a recent incident, or an updated plan or procedure?
4. What specific issues at my utility or in my community need to be addressed by the exercise?
Your objectives will be listed in the exercise’s situation manual or SitMan, which is distributed to all exercise participants. The SitMan provides exercise participants with all the necessary tools for their roles in the exercise. Start developing your SitMan now by clicking on the icon below. Objectives can be entered on page 2 of the SitMan. Be sure to save your SitMan to your computer, as you will need it for steps 2-4 as well.